| DOE-STD-1190-2007
Various methods of collecting OSHA data may be employed. Sites may either abstract
data from the OSHA No. 300 log or assemble the information from a related data base.
Alternatively, many sites have chosen to take advantage of the DOE Directive DOE O
231.1A, Environment, Safety, and Health Reporting, which contains the reporting
requirement that mandates an annual submission of OSHA data to CAIRS. A copy of
the annual CAIRS data can be returned to the data coordinator directly from CAIRS.
The data coordinator is then responsible for replacing personal identifiers from the
CAIRS data set with the Illness and Injury Surveillance Program's coded identifier.
The de-identified data are then submitted to the program's Data Center. It is important
to note that no DOE Headquarters staff involved with the IISP receives a copy of the
identified CAIRS data. Unless the site data coordinator believes that local sources of
OSHA data are more complete than the data submitted to CAIRS, this approach is
recommended because it is cost effective, comprehensive, maintains worker privacy
and confidentiality, and is consistent with the site's reporting of occupational health
events to CAIRS.
The data elements collected from the OSHA No. 300 log or generated by the site's
data coordinator include:
OSHA No. 300
Data Element Name
*Site Code
A unique code that identifies the site. Site code
is provided by ORISE Data Center.
*Unique ID
Unique worker identification number associated
with each worker in order to link records. ID to
be determined by site. The unique ID number is
never changed for a worker and is never
reassigned, should a worker leave the workforce.
A worker who leaves the workforce and later
returns should receive his/her original
identification number.
*Record status
New, Change, Delete. Accepted values: N,C,D
Column D of OSHA's Form 300 (Rev. 01/2004)
*Date of event
Code for occupational injury without workday
*Days lost due to injury
loss/restriction (Note if Column J of OSHA's
Form 300 (Rev. 01/2004) is checked and
Column M(1) is also checked.)
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