| DOE-STD-1190-2007
Return To Work. These events consist of all illnesses and injuries reported by
workers who are required to clear through the site's Occupational Medicine clinic to be
pronounced "fit-for-duty". Health events are eligible for reporting regardless of whether
they are determined to be occupational. Return-to-work clearances indicate the number of
days absent, but alternative work schedules have become increasingly common and the
number of actual work days absent may be difficult to determine by examining the dates of
absence. Sites must identify methods to determine the length of absence when alternative
work schedules are involved. Although the Illness and Injury Surveillance Program accepts
illness absence data involving any length of absence, most analyses focus on those events
involving absences of 40 or more consecutive work hours. This analysis criterion is derived
from Order 10 CFR 851, which requires a fitness for duty examination at the occupational
medicine clinic following any occupational illness or injury, or when an employee returns
after five or more consecutive workdays of absence (or the equivalent period for a worker on
an alternative work schedule) for a non-occupational illness or injury. The data elements for
return-to-work events include:
Data Element Name
A unique code that identifies the site. Site code
*Site Code
is provided by ORISE Data Center.
Unique worker identification number associated
*Unique worker ID
with each worker in order to link records. ID to
be determined by site. The unique ID number is
never changed for a worker and is never
reassigned, should a worker leave the workforce.
A worker who leaves the workforce and later
returns should receive his/her original
identification number.
*Record Status
New, Change, Delete Accepted values: N,C,D
*Date began
Date absence began (MM/DD/YYYY)
Provide the narrative description of the diagnosis
of illness or injury as reported by worker.
Supporting documentation from a personal
physician is not required but can be used to help
determine the diagnosis if available.
*RTW date
Return-to-work date (MM/DD/YYYY)
*Data elements marked with an asterisk indicate required fields.*
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