| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
modeling simplifications (e.g., effects of homogenization, dimension or geometry modifications, etc.)
should be included here as well.
All engineered features (active and passive) and administrative controls identified during the performance
of the process analysis shall3 be stated in this section. The purpose is to clearly document and highlight
what is being relied upon to prevent a criticality accident. These may or may not be TSRs (see Section
This section should also list important assumptions relied upon by the analysis. Assumptions listed here
should be closely associated with implemented controls and discussed in the process analysis section.
These include but are not limited to the administrative systems relied upon by the analyst (e.g., non-
destructive assay, materials control and accountability, combustible material control, etc.).
Inclusion of this section is optional. The overall criticality safety assessment of the system being
analyzed may be summarized in this section. The range of applicability and special limitations in the
evaluation may be documented here.
If unique requirements must be satisfied (those discussed in Subsection C), a statement of
compliance with these requirements may be included here.
When applicable, reference to normal and abnormal ranges of operational parameters may also be made.
Portions of the evaluation that have been deferred to other documents may be summarized here.
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