| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
CONTINGENCY an unlikely change in a process condition important to the Nuclear Criticality Safety
of a fissionable material operation.
CONTROL an engineered feature (active or passive) or administrative requirement that establishes
constraints on the range of values that process parameters can assume with a given reliability (i.e., failure
frequency) thereby providing a barrier to a criticality accident.
CREDIBLE the attribute of being believable on the basis of commonly acceptable engineering
judgment. Due to the general lack of statistically reliable data, assigning numerical probabilities to
events is not usually justifiable and when used should be backed up with references.
CRITICALITY SAFETY EVALUATION the analysis and documentation that the fissile material
process covered by the scope of the evaluation will be subcritical under both normal and credible
abnormal conditions. The title "criticality safety evaluation" is generic and refers to any document
intended to meet the requirements of ANSI/ANS-8.19-2005, Section 8. Some site-specific synonyms
include, but are not limited to, criticality safety report, criticality safety analysis, and double contingency
CRITICALITY SAFETY PROGRAM the Criticality Safety Program required by DOE Order
DOUBLE-CONTINGENCY PRINCIPLE ANSI/ANS-8.1-1998, Section 4.2.2 defines the Double-
Contingency Principle as "Process designs should incorporate sufficient factors of safety to require at
least two unlikely, independent, and concurrent changes in process conditions before a criticality accident
is possible."
PROCESS CONDITION the state of an operation or system involving fissionable material, typically
defined by specifying values or ranges of process parameters.
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