| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
Chapter 14
Quality Assurance
P U R P O S E . The purpose of this DSA chapter is to provide information that will satisfy
the requirements of 10 CFR 830. This chapter is not intended to be the vehicle for review
and approval of the quality assurance program to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 830
Subpart A, "Quality Assurance Requirements". It is intended to describe the essential
characteristics of the program as it relates to facility safety.
This chapter describes the provisions for a quality assurance program. Expected products
of this chapter, as applicable based on the graded approach, include:
Description of quality assurance program and organization.
Description of document control and records management.
Description of the quality assurance process ensuring that performed safety
related work meets requirements.
Exis ting supporting documentation is to be referenced. Include brief abstracts of
referenced documentation with enough of the salient facts to provide an understanding of
the referenced documentation and its relation to this chapter.
A P P L I C A T I O N O F T H E G R A D ED A P P R O A C H . The level of quality
control and assurance required is directly related to the magnitude of hazards and
incorporates considerations of stage and complexity of the facility or activity. A higher
hazard facility with complex systems requires a more formalized quality assurance
program. Discussions can be brief and are limited to summaries of the major features of
the programmatic commitment to the safety basis.
This section provides an introduction to the contents of this chapter based on the
graded approach and includes objectives and scope specific to the chapter as
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