| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
Chapter 3
Hazard and Accident Analyses
PU R P O S E . The purpose of this DSA chapter is to provide information that will satisfy
the requirements of 10 CFR 830 to evaluate normal, abnormal, and accident conditions,
including consideration of natural and man- made external events, identification of energy
sources or process that might contribute to the generation or uncontrolled release of
radioactive and other hazardous materials, and consideration of the need for analysis of
acc idents which may be beyond the design basis of the facility.
This chapter describes the process used to systematically identify and assess hazards to
evaluate the potential internal, man- made external, and natural events that can cause the
identified hazards to develop into accidents. This chapter also presents the results of this
hazard identification and assessment process. Hazard analysis considers the complete
spectrum of accidents that may occur due to facility operations; analyzes potential
accident consequences to the public and workers; estimates likelihood of occurrence;
identifies and assesses associated preventive and mitigative features; identifies safety-
significant SSCs; and identifies a selected subset of accidents, designated DBAs, to be
formally defined in accident analysis. Subsequent accident analysis evaluates these DBAs
for comparison with the Evaluation Guideline. This chapter covers the topics of hazard
identification, facility hazard categorization, hazard evaluation, and accident analysis.
Expected products of this chapter, as applicable based on the graded approach, include:
Description of the methodology for and approach to hazard and accident analyses.
Identification of hazardous materials and energy sources present by type, quantity,
form, and location.
Facility hazard categorization, including segmentation in accordance with DOE-
Identification in the hazard analysis of the spectrum of potential accidents at the
facility in terms of largely qualitative consequence and frequency estimates. The
summary of this activity will also include:
-- Identification of planned design and operational safety improvements.
-- Summary of defense in depth, including identification of safety-significant
SSCs, SACs and other items needing TSR coverage in accordance with10
CFR 830.
-- Summary of the significant worker safety features, including identification
of safety-significant SSCs and any relevant programs to be covered under
TSR and administrative controls., including those controls designated as
-- Summary of design and operational features that reduces the potential for
large material releases to the environment.
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