| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
SSCs be preferable to ACs or SACs due to the inherent uncertainty of human
Categorize administrative features in terms of the programmatic elements
covered in later chapters of the DSA. With the exception of safety-significant
SSCs, TSR designation is made in the form of administrative controls for
overall programs only for worker safety. Typical safety-management
programs include criticality protection, radiation protection, hazardous material
protection, institutional safety provisions, procedures and training, operational
safety, and emergency preparedness. Specifically note programs that will be
provided TSR coverage as administrative controls in Chapter 5, "Derivation of
Technical Safety Requirements. "
Figure 3-3 shows how worker safety is addressed in the hazard analysis
process. This subsection provides documented evidence that worker safety
features are an integral part of facility design and operation, that basic facility
operations for worker safety are adequate, and that workers are protected by a
number of means including programs described elsewhere in the DSA (e.g.,
Chapters 7 and 8). It is emphasized again that this subsection is written at a
summary level. Identify the broad purpose of features, but not the details of
their design.
Environmental Protection
This subsection summarizes the design and operational features that reduce the
potential for large material releases to the environment. Document pathways
for uncontrolled release of large amounts of hazardous materials to the
environment identified in the hazard evaluation. Estimate potential
consequences and preventive and mitigative features associated with specific
pathways. If specific pathways have previously been addressed (e.g., Section, "Defense in Depth"), a reference is sufficient.
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