| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
significant if the engineered controls were available and selected.
Consequences from normal operations are addressed in the Radiation
Protection, Hazardous Material Protection, and Waste Management chapters.
Guidance is provided in each chapter on the application of the graded
A common DSA format (chapter, title, and organization) for all
nonreactor nuclear facilities is desirable but not essential. A table is to be
provided by the preparer that indicates where the DSA requirements of 10
CFR 830 are addressed. Content needs to be flexible to allow for
different facility types, hazard categories, and other grading factors.
Facility descriptive material is intentionally split to emphasize structures,
systems, and components of major significance:
Chapter 2, "Facility Description," provides a brief, integrated overview of
the facility structures, syste ms, and components.
Chapter 4, "Safety Structures, Systems, and Components," provides
detailed information only for those structures, systems, and components
that are safety class and safety significant. This application of the graded
approach will provide for a significant reduction of DSA volume, while
maintaining a focus on safety.
The programmatic chapters, including Chapter 6-17 provide a summary
description of the key features of the various safety programs as they
related to the facility being analyzed. These chapters are not meant to be
used as the vehicle for the determination of adequacy of these programs.
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