| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
analyses, etc., is understood.
Table 3-2, although not filled out, provides an example of another type of
evaluation table. Whereas Table 3-1 is based more on a What- if or PHA-type
approach, Table 3-2 is based on a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
approach. The basic outputs, however, remain unchanged. The second
example is provided to indicate there is no one correct approach or
presentation. The only constant is that effort needs to be expended only to the
level necessary to basically characterize the accident spectrum.
Hazard evaluation presents potential accidents in terms o f hazards, energy
sources, causes, preventive and mitigative features, consequence estimates, and
frequency estimates. Where a large number of scenarios are involved, present
simple summaries in the text of this chapter with detailed tables generated in
the performance of the hazard evaluation included as an appendix to the DSA.
Beyond the basic results, the individual subheadings (Sections
through of Section, "Hazard Evaluation," present organized
summaries of specific topics of concern.
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