| DOE-STD-3020-2005
The FTF is exempt from performing an airflow resistance test on enclosed filters for
the purposes of meeting requirements of this standard.
General: HEPA filters to be installed in facilities operated under contract to DOE
shall be purchased in compliance with the specifications of this standard. For those
filters specified in Section 4.1 requiring FTF quality assurance testing, the purchaser
shall provide the FTF a copy of the purchase order, including any special
requirements for the filter product, as a means to assure that the purchase order
includes proper specifications, and that the manufacturer meets the stipulations of the
purchase order. Deviations from purchase order specifications shall be referred to the
purchaser by the FTF manager before FTF testing of the filters.
Performance Requirements: Mandatory performance requirements for HEPA
filters are set out below. These performance requirements shall be demonstrated by
test and inspection by the manufacturer. These performance requirements shall also be
demonstrated by test and inspection by the FTF when applicable (see Section 4.1).
Penetration: Aerosol penetration for any HEPA filter shall not exceed
0.03% (0.0003) at 0.3 micrometer particle size.
Resistance : Airflow resistance across the HEPA filter shall conform to the
limits listed in Tables 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 except as noted in Section 4.3.
Tests for resistance to airflow shall be conducted at flow rates expressed in
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