| ![]() DOE-TSL-2-2006
Area Code
Natural Phenomena Hazards Provisions to prevent the loss of structural
integrity of structures, systems, and components due to acts of nature
(such as earthquake, wind, and flood) which endanger life safety. This area
also includes any provisions employed to prevent the loss of capability to
perform functions as a result of natural phenomena consistent with: (1)
importance to safety for workers and the public, (2) impact on the
environment, (3) repair/replacement costs, or (4) programmatic mission.
Occupational Safety and Health Provisions to ensure the safety and
health protection of workers in the execution of their duties.
Operations Technical details associated with operations of DOE nuclear
and non-nuclear facilities. This area includes provisions for the planned
safe conduct of operations through procedures and for operational
readiness reviews.
Packaging and Transportation Provisions for packaging, packing,
preservation and transportation of hazardous and nonhazardous material.
Quality Provisions that ensure risks and environmental impacts are
minimized and safety, reliability and performance are maximized through
the application of effective management systems commensurate with the
risks posed by the facility and its operation. This area is applicable to the
broad spectrum of DOE work including: (1) research and development, and
scientific and technical investigations, (2) life-cycle design, operation,
decommissioning, and environmental restoration of nuclear and non-
nuclear facilities, and (3) energy-related financial, scientific, and technical
information gathering and analyses.
Radiological Protection Provisions for the development of an effective
program to protect personnel and the public, including requirements for the
management and handling of radioactive materials, processes and areas.
Also included in this area are the provisions for: (1) verification of the
effectiveness of the program through a network of monitoring and sampling
of personnel, the work-place, and the adjacent environment, and, (3)
records management to demonstrate compliance with regulations, to
establish personnel exposure trends and histories, and to satisfy reporting
Research and Development Provisions for conducting R&D programs at
DOE facilities ranging from one-of-a-kind bench-top experiments, to routine
tests, to major R&D projects that may require construction of large scale
test facilities. These provisions include those for R&D projects at existing
installations, those facilities being modified, or those newly designed
facilities which are constructed for specific purposes.
Safety Provisions for (1) safety design, test and demonstration
requirements for systems, equipment, facilities, and personnel interfaces,
(2) safety procedures, (3) joint area safety requirements, and (4) system
safety engineering program requirements and plans.
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