| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
Origins of the definitions are indicated in brackets. If no reference is indicated, the definition originates in
and is unique to this technical standard.
Accident. An unplanned sequence of events that results in undesirable consequences [DOE-STD-3009-94].
Accident Analysis. The central activity in the HA process focusing on the development and evaluation of a
comprehensive spectrum of potential accident scenarios. For each step, activity, or task associated with a
nuclear explosive operation (NEO), appropriately structured methods are used to identify operational
deviations, potential consequences, positive measures in place, additional controls, and to conduct an
evaluation of control effectiveness. Note: This definition differs from that contained in DOE O 5480.23
and DOE-STD-3009-94.
Accident Sequence. An unplanned sequence of events that results in a specific undesirable consequence.
Administrative Controls (ACs). Provisions relating to organization and management procedures, record
keeping, assessment, reporting necessary to ensure the safe operation of a facility [DOE O 5480.23], or the
safe conduct of a NEO.
Facility. Any equipment, structure, system, process, or activity that fulfills a specific purpose [DOE O
231.1]. For the purpose of implementing this technical standard, the term "facility" specifically refers to
buildings, structures, staging areas, loading docks, or locations at which the Department of Energy conducts
nuclear explosive operations and associated activities.
Fissile Material Dispersal. The aerosolization and transport of fissile material by a driving force such as
fire, high explosive deflagration, or high explosive detonation.
Hazard. The primary usage of the term employed in this technical standard is as follows: A source of
danger (i.e., material, energy source, or operation) with the potential to cause illness, injury, or death to
personnel or damage to an operation, or to the environment (without regard for the likelihood or credibility
of accident scenarios or consequence mitigation) [DOE O 5480.23].
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