| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
specified human actions, steps, or tasks will be completed successfully.
Nuclear Detonation. An energy release through a nuclear process during a period of time on the order of
one microsecond in an amount equivalent to the energy released by detonating four or more pounds of
trinitrotoluene (TNT) [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive. An assembly containing fissionable and/or fusionable materials and main charge high
explosive parts or propellants capable of producing a nuclear detonation (e.g., a nuclear weapon or nuclear
test device) [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive Area (NEA). Any area that contains a nuclear explosive or collocated pit and main
charge high explosive parts [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive Operation (NEO). Any activity involving a nuclear explosive, including activities in
which main charge high explosive parts and pit are collocated [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive Operation-Associated Activities. Activities directly associated with a specific nuclear
explosive operation such as work on a bomb nose or tail subassembly even when physically separated from
the bomb' nuclear explosive subassembly [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive Safety (NES). The application of positive measures to control or mitigate the
possibility of unintended or unauthorized nuclear detonation, high explosive detonation or deflagration, or
fire in a nuclear explosive area [DOE O 452.2A].
Nuclear Explosive Safety Rules (NESRs). Safety limits, operating limits, surveillance requirements,
safety boundaries, and management and administrative controls that significantly contribute to minimizing
the possibility of nuclear detonation, high explosive detonation or deflagration, or fire in nuclear explosive
operations [adapted from DOE O 452.2A].
Operational Safety Controls (OSCs). Safety limits, operating limits, surveillance requirements, safety
boundaries, and management and administrative controls that significantly contribute to protecting workers,
the public, and the environment from hazards other than nuclear detonation, high explosive detonation and
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