| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
2.4.1. Industrial Hygienist
The employee who is trained to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control environmental factors
or stresses in the workplace, should be identified by name. A qualified and designated alternate
for the Industrial Hygienist should be identified by name.
Specific responsibilities of the Industrial Hygienist should be provided. The responsibilities should
include, but are not limited to:
Conducting health hazard assessments,
Providing advice on adequate health protection, and
Conducting tests to determine worker exposures to hazardous substances.
2.4.2. Fire Fighters
The means of contacting the Fire Department should be provided in the document, and this
information should be conspicuously posted at locations throughout the site. Responsibilities of
the fire department should be stated. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Having Emergency Medical Technicians on response teams,
Responding to fires that occur on site, and
Standing by for response to potential fires and performing rescues.
2.4.3. Health Physicist
The individual who is trained in radiation physics (effects, and protection) should be identified
by name. A designated alternate for the Health Physicist should be identified by name. Specific
responsibilities of the Health Physicist, such as evaluating radiation health hazards and
recommending appropriate action, should be stated.
2.4.4. Scientific Advisor
The advisor that guides the Project Manager in technical or scientific matters should be named.
A general description should be provided for the Scientific Advisor (i.e, reports to the Project
Manager, may be located on site or off site). The specific responsibilities of the Scientific
Advisor should be stated. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Providing advice for field monitoring,
Sample collection, and
Remedial plans.
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