| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
Work area air monitoring within the Exclusion Zone should be conducted to determine if pre-
established action levels are being exceeded. If the action levels are being exceeded, additional,
appropriate controls should be implemented or workers should upgrade PPE to the appropriate
level of protection. Worker exposure monitoring with time-integrated sampling should be
conducted during the clean-up phase and where otherwise appropriate to accurately assess
worker exposure to specific chemicals.
A combination of offsite, perimeter, and work area samples should be used to assess the release
of air contaminants. While the primary objective of work area air monitoring is to assist in
protecting onsite personnel from airborne contaminants, these data can also be used to assess the
potential for detectable offsite emissions. Upwind and downwind offsite and perimeter
monitoring should be conducted. Air contaminant levels should be established upwind around
the site perimeter in order to define the reference point or baseline to which downwind
monitoring data can be compared. Comparisons of air monitoring data with these reference data
may indicate areas which generate air contaminant levels above established action levels. When
action levels are exceeded, appropriate actions should be taken, such as, increasing engineering
controls or making community notifications.
As appropriate, air samples should be taken according to the requirements of
10 CFR 20.103(a)(3), Exposure of Individuals to Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Air
atmosphere and at the perimeter of the site. The principles of ALARA (as low as reasonably
achievable) should be utilized to assure worker and public protection from atmospheric
8.2.1. Personnel Qualifications
The exposure monitoring/air sampling program should be developed by an industrial hygienist,
preferably one who is certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene, or otherwise board
eligible, or who has a minimum of three years experience in developing such programs for
hazardous waste sites. In addition, where exposures to radioactive materials are anticipated, a
health physicist, preferably one who is certified by the American Board of Health Physics, or
otherwise board eligible, or who has a minimum of three years relevant experience, should assist
in the development of the exposure monitoring/air sampling program.
Staff should be experienced in implementing an air monitoring program for the type of activities
to be conducted. The staff should also be experienced in implementing an air monitoring
program designed to evaluate worker exposure to airborne contaminants. The Site Safety and
Health Officer (SSHO) should be responsible for implementing the exposure monitoring/air
sampling program, and all activities should be conducted under the direction of the SSHO. Other
air monitoring staff may include air monitoring specialists and field technicians. The air
monitoring staff should be provided site-specific training regarding the site-specific air sampling,
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