| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
5.0 Surface Contamination; Solid, Noncombustible Surfaces
There are two general conceptions for aerodynamic entrainment - force balance and energy
balance. The force balance concept is that aerodynamic lift/drag forces exceed the adhesive
forces causing particles on the surface of the substrate to be suspended. Most authors have
subscribed to the force balance concept. Recently, Reeks et al. (May 1985a, May 1985b,
June 1985a, June 1985b, 1988) have proposed an energy balance concept that postulates
resuspension of small (<100 m diameter) particles by energy transfer from turbulent flow.
The concept is similar to removal of molecules from surfaces by Brownian motion. Energy
maintains the particle in motion at the surface within the surface potential well. Particles are
suspended when they accumulate sufficient vibrational energy to escape the potential well.
Authors (Reeks et al., May 1985a, Wright, 1984) have reported suspension of large fractions
of deposited particles during the buildup to test velocities. Wright (1984) reports that the
initial suspension of 95% of the deposited particles on the floor of a wind tunnel during
an air velocity increase to 60 m/s (~ 135 mph). Braaten, Shaw and Paw U (1986) reported
negligible loss during an increase to 20 m/s in a wind tunnel. John, Fritter and Winklmayr
(1991) found some suspension of 8.6 m sodium fluorescein particles when filtered air at
40 m/s from a nozzle was impinged upon the Tedlar surface. The point may be moot for the
conditions covered here since the material is continually subjected to at least some air flow
during deposition and any suspension occurring in the initial seconds would be lost with the
release from the occurrence. Garland (1982), Corn and Stein (July 1965), Cleaver and Yates
(1973) and Wright (1984) found resuspension fluxes inversely proportional to time (decayed
with time) while Sehmel and Lloyd (1976) did not find any apparent decay over a 21-month
test period.
A vast array of literature exists on various aspects of the resuspension of sparse particles
from the surface of substrates (Corino and Brodkey, 1969; Corn, 1966; Dahneke, January
1975; Ettinger, 1974; Fairchild, 1982; Fish, 1967; Hall, 1988; Hubbe, 1984; Larsen, August
1958; Nelson, 1973; Punjrath, 1972; Spenser, 1976). Zimon's (1969) text book provides a
good theoretical background of the topic. More recently several reviews (Brockman,
February 1985; Fromentin, January 1987; Alonso, Bolado and Hontanon, July 1991) directed
towards the dry resuspension of particles in light water reactor coolant systems during the
depressurization of the containment following a severe core disruptive events have been
published. In general, most of the experimental data have been obtained on sparse particle
suspension from heterogeneous substrates with few field studies that is the converse of the
situations for suspension from homogeneous beds covered in section 4.4.5. Fromentin
(January 1987) concluded from his review that:
Both theoretical and experimental studies of the suspension of solid particles
from solid surfaces are still in an elementary state.
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