| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Summary
Suspension of bulk powder by debris impact and air turbulence from falling
ARF 4E-4/RF 0.2
ARF 1E-2/RF 0.2
A erod yn am ic E n train m en t an d R esus pen sion
Based upon the information on resuspension factors and rates found in the articles reviewed
and the outdoor rates, the long-term ARR suggested by Sehmel and Lloyd (1976a,b) of
4E-5/hr appears to be a reasonable bound. Although ARRs appear to decrease with time,
use of the initial ARR measured is conservative. Not including MAR depletion with time
tends to overestimate the release. The resuspension tends to fluctuate as the level of stress
fluctuates and the surface conditions respond to the previous stresses. The bounding ARF
and RF for aerodynamic entrainment is due to the passage of vehicular traffic.
Use of the values given above for short time frames (<100 hours) would not introduce
serious error due to the severe depletion of the source. For time periods exceeding
100 hours, the reduction of the source can be accounted for from the entrainment of
material. In general, these values are intended for immediate post-accident conditions and
freshly deposited material. They would overestimate releases from long-term contamination
(i.e., months to years) and are not appropriate for such use.
Homogeneous bed of powder exposed to ambient conditions (normal process
facility ventilation flow or less, or nominal atmospheric windspeeds <2 m/s
with gusts up to 20 m/sec) following an event.
ARR 4E-5/hr, RF 1.0
Homogeneous bed of powder buried under structural debris exposed to
ambient conditions or under static conditions within structure following an
ARR 4E-6/hr, RF 1.0
Entrainment of powders from road surface by passage of vehicular traffic.
ARR 1E-2/passage, RF 1.0
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