| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
1.0 Introduction
building-atmosphere interface). Where multiple leakpaths are involved, their cumulative
effect is often expressed as one value that is the product of all leakpath multiples. The LPF
is a calculated or standard value based upon (1) established relationships between size of the
particulate material, airborne transport mechanisms, and losses by deposition mechanisms, or
(2) specified filtration efficiencies.
In most cases, the ARFs and RFs for conditions bounded by the experimental parameters can
be defined to one significant digit. The parameter definition process has focused on
estimating reasonable bounding values because of the limited quantity and variability of the
data. The use of the word "reasonable" is an acknowledgement that the only definitive
bounds are ARFs and RFs of 1.0, which can always be postulated if enough synchronous,
extreme localized conditions are assumed. Such extreme synchronicity is neither an expected
condition nor a practically useful model of reality. The NRC has commented on this subject
in a survey of nonreactor nuclear facility release potential and historical experience
(NUREG-1140) as follows:
Operating experience may be more relevant for these [fuel cycle] licensees
than for nuclear power plants because of the nature of the accident driving
force. In nuclear power plants the driving force is the enormous amount of
heat in the reactor. The available energy is so large that some unique
occurrences are conceivable, such as molten cores, large-scale metal-water
reactions, and rupturing of the containment by overpressurization. Because
these events have never happened, they can only be studied theoretically. The
dominant driving force for accidents at nonreactor licensees are common
industrial accidents--fires, chemical explosions, leaks, and the like. A great
deal of industrial accident experience can be drawn upon in analyzing these
potential accidents.
The experiments used as a basis for this document were specifically focusing on general
characterization of suspension phenomena in an industrial environment. A key element in
defining bounding values from the data is understanding the physical entrainment mechanisms
at work, their potential variability, and the inherent limits of such mechanisms. Accordingly,
this document provides detailed discussion of entrainment mechanisms wherever possible.
Median and average values are estimated for some data. These estimates are made solely for
the purpose of providing perspective on potential conservatism and should not be used as a
basis for an ARF statistical distribution. It is generally not productive to attempt to use the
experimental data cited in this handbook to develop assumed statistical distributions of values
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