| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dissolving Operations Examples
The additional multiple of 3 discussed in relation to this equation in subsection is not used as it applies only to solutions with a density less than 1.2 g/cm3.
The maximum fall height is 1.2 m (4 ft), and the viscosity of 60% nitric acid at
ambient temperature is 2E-2 poises. These values yield an ARF of 5E-6. After initial
dissolution, however, and during initial transfer to the vacuum run tank, the solution
temperature is between 90 and 100 oC, not ambient. If the spill occurs at that point,
solution viscosity is decreased to 7E-3 poise. The resulting ARF would be 1.5E-5.
As for the powder spill examined for the feed preparation operation, the bounding
value of 2E-5 is used for the sake of conservatism and consistency.
B. Boiling Liquid. If the temperature control system on the dissolver heat exchanger
malfunctions, sufficient steam flow could occur to initiate boiling. Testing of the heat
exchanger at full capacity has indicated that complete boiloff of surrogate water in the
vessel does not result in significant vessel pressurization as the vessel vent system can
handle the rate of vapor generation. However, if the condition occurs during
operation and remains undetected, the entire contents of the dissolver can eventually
be boiled, with the resulting vapor flowing to the vessel vent system. In this case, the
MAR would again be 1322 g with a DR of 1.0.
The ARF and RF assigned for continuous boiling of liquids are 2E-3 and 1.0
(subsection The maximum initial respirable source term is:
1322 g * 1.0 * 2E-3 * 1.0 = 2.6 g
This source term is generated within glovebox and piping system confinement.
C. Criticality. A solution criticality is unlikely in the geometrically favorable
dissolvers. Mechanical distortion of the vessel and/or severe overbatching of feed
could, however, produce a criticality. A yield of 1E+19 fissions is assessed to be
bounding for solution criticalities (subsection A simple method for
estimating fission product release from criticality is to use NRC results for a 1E+19
fissions plutonium criticality. The DR refers to the fraction of isotopes generated in
the criticality exposed for release, and is 1.0 for gases and volatiles in solution.
The ARF is 1.0 for noble gases and 0.25 for radioiodines in solution based on NRC
precedents. Table 7-5 shows a simplified release estimation based on important
isotopes identified by the NRC. The potential dose from this release is well under
100 mrem at the site boundary, although prompt worker fatalities can occur due to
direct radiation.
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