| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Seismic Release Example
actually experience free-fall spill as well. The material in the holding compartment
may not experience any direct impact at all. The bounding ARF and RF values
assessed for shock-impact on powder confinement are 1E-3 and 0.1 (subsection even if the confinement ultimately fails. If this value is applied to all of the
material, the additional initial respirable source term is:
(9320 g * 1.0 * 1E-3 * 0.1) = 0.9 g
The dissolution product solution can be considered spilled in the metal line as it is
completely within the partial collapse zone. Product spillage is assumed in the
residue line as well since the final accountability slab tank is in the collapse zone. If
a complete dissolution operation is just completed within each glovebox at the
moment of collapse, the total solution MAR is 2200 g. The maximum amount of
solution allowed in the sampling line slab tank is 5000 g, although it is typically much
less. In this zone of the partial collapse, a total of 7200 g of plutonium in solution
can be considered to experience a free-fall spill of less than 3 m. The ARF and RF
for free-fall spill of concentrated TRU solutions are 2E-5 and 1.0 (section 3.2.3), and
the initial respirable source term is:
7,200 * 1.0 * 2E-5 * 1.0 = 0.1 g
The possibility of liquid being pumped to the sampling line at the moment of the
earthquake is discounted as electric power will be lost and the small amount of liquid
in lines will not significantly increase the source term estimate. The source term
from surface contamination in the liquid lines is also not significant compared to the
other releases calculated.
One final release mechanism is resuspension. If a substantial amount of time passes
before intervention occurs to minimize further release, the material outside of
confinement will be exposed to airflows that can resuspend the material. Between the
process tank failures and damage to the residue and metal dissolving lines and the
sampling glovebox, 43,200 g of plutonium in liquid can be exposed for resuspension.
In addition, 7059 g of plutonium powder and surface contamination are exposed as
well if a material holding can (i.e., procedural maximum of 2000 g plutonium vice
1320 g dissolving charge) is assumed to be fully open to the environment. The
bounding resuspension rate assessed for liquids covered with debris is 4E-8/hr
(subsection and 4E-6/hr for powders covered by debris (subsection The respirable source term is:
(43,200 * 1.0 * 4E-8/hr) + (7059 * 1.0 * 4E-6/hr) = 3E-2 g/hr
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