| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
5.0 Surface Contamination; Summary
phenomena can be considered bounded by venting of pressurized powders
Accelerated gas flows in area without significant pressurization
ARF 5E-3/RF 0.3
Venting of pressurized volumes
Source > 0.17 MPg (25 psig)
ARF 5E-3/RF 0.4
Source < 0.17 MPg (25 psig)
ARF 1E-1/RF 0.7
These release values would apply only to loose surface contamination on the
solid, not the solid as a whole. No bounding ARF and RF can be uniquely
identified for eroded or corroded material on the solid surface that no longer
adheres tightly to the bulk solid. However, the release of such material is
bounded by the release parameters assumed for loose surface contamination.
F ree-F all S p ill an d I mp action S tres s
No applicable data. Based upon assumptions that release for various mechanisms bounded by
airborne release of powder under similar circumstances.
Free-Fall Spill. Most materials will not experience free-fall spill. The release
for those that do is bounded by the values given for impact and shock below.
Impact, shock-vibration.
Materials that undergo brittle fracture: airborne release by brittle
fracture bounded by the ARF and RF postulated for brittle fracture in
section 4.3.3. The contamination present on the portion of the base
material calculated to be driven airborne will be assumed to go airborne
as well.
ARF x RF = (A)(P)(g)(h)
(5-1, 4-1)
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