| DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
3-m fall distance; the difference appears to diminish with fall distance probably due to the
greater consistency for the impact dispersion as the force increases).
The best available correlation for particle size of the airborne material is:
) + 7540(F)
AMMD = 12.1 - 3.29(
AMMD = aerodynamic equivalent mass median diameter, m
F = fraction airborne
BP = bulk density powder, kg/m .
The equation only has a 46% correlation coefficient due to the variability in the data. The
GSD of the size distribution for all powders (based on the powders used in the experiments),
TiO2 and UO 2 are 4.82, 3.73 and 5.60, respectively.
The median and bounding ARFs and RFs are based on the experimental measurements
uncovered. For fall distances less than 3 m, the measured combination of ARF and RF
values that yield the highest fraction of material in the respirable fraction, 2E-3 and 0.3, are
assessed to be the bounding values. The median values are those determined considering
both powders, 3E-4 and 0.5. For fall distance greater than 3 m, the bounding value can be
estimated using the average airborne release fraction calculated by the model discussed in this
subsection multiplied by a factor of 2 provided the value calculated exceeds that obtained
with the ARF and RF combination of 2E-3 and 0.3.
Free-Fall Spill with Enhanced Velocity Effects Normal to the
Direction of Fall
The conditions represented here are extreme for the normal range of stresses normally
encountered in industrial-type accidents. The conditions may be found for powders
undergoing pneumatic transfers or for minute quantities of soil fines that sift/spill during
some earth moving operations such as digging with a backhoe or steam shovel in extremely
windy conditions. The factors derived are not meant to be applied unless there is reasonable
evidence that the conditions in the event or for the fraction of inventory indeed mimic the
experimental conditions. For example, this data is not intended for fine judgements about
low quantity releases from contaminated soil or for evaluating simple bulk powder spills in
an atmosphere of overall room/glovebox ventilation or typical ambient conditions.
Sutter (August 1980) reported results of experiments to measure the entrainment of dispersed
soil spilled into flowing air. Contaminated soil was collected, mixed and dried and pumped
into a 0.61-m by 0.61-m wind tunnel. The experimental setup is shown schematically in
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