| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
6.0 Inadvertent Nuclear Criticality; Material Release in Criticality Excursions
ultimately terminated by density changes within the metal itself and the moderator due to heat
The products contained in the matrix of the solid fissionable materials are not exposed to the
ambient environment and would not constitute a source term hazard unless released from the
matrix. Of the 11 historical excursion involving metal system listed on Table 6-1 (b), only 1
(with a total fission yield estimated at 4E+17 fissions) exhibited any melting of the metal.
Warping/oxidation are listed as consequences of 3 additional events (total fission yields
ranging from 6E+16 to 1E+17 fissions). Therefore, a limited amount of softening/melting
of the solid would be anticipated at the reference yield level of 1E+18 fissions, although this
level is likely to be conservative. This softening/melting would not, however, cause
significant disruption of the solid mass itself. It would most likely produce physical
distortion of the material due to almost instantaneous melting and congealing from heat
transfer to and interaction with water.
It is assumed that 10% (0.01 fraction) of the metal melts/softens due to the heat generated,
thus allowing noncondensible gases and volatile radionuclides (radioiodine) in that fraction to
be released. For powders or fines in solutions, the surface area to volume ratio of individual
particles is considered sufficiently large that all noncondensible gases and radioiodines will
escape. Restrepo (April 1992) reviewed the post NUREG-0772 research and experiments on
fission product release rates from heated/melted spent fuel. The specific elements involved
were categorized into 12 discrete chemical groups (as shown below in Table 6-10) based
upon the similarity of their responses to thermal stress. "... release fractions within each
group varied by as much as two to three orders of magnitude ... the geometric mean and
standard deviation of the release fractions for each of those groups were obtained." The
geometric mean of the airborne release for each chemical groups, rounded off to a single
digit, was selected as the release fraction for that group (except the noble gases) and is listed
in Table 6-10. The upper limit estimate for release was selected for the noble gases. Also,
no release fractions are reported for chemical group 12 (boron) and, since the behavior of
that group's components is similar to that of the trivalent group (chemical group 9), the
release rate for the trivalent elements is used for the boron elements in Table 6-10.
Thus, for metals, 5E-1 of the noble gases is assumed to be released from the solid matrix to
the moderator and all of the noble gases released to the moderator are released to the
ambient environment around the moderator. Likewise, 5E-2 of the halogen (iodine) is
released from the matrix to the moderator. The 0.25 capture factor for iodine in solution is
not assumed since the iodine release is already less than that for solutions and the water
depth associated with this configuration is assumed to be limited. The 2E-3 factor assigned
for radioruthenium may also be used without considering solution capture as the ruthenium
may be generated as discrete gas bubbles escaping from the solid surface. As with solutions,
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