| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
3.0 Liquids; Aqueous Solutions
The data are limited but do appear to consistently indicate a gradual increase in airborne
release with temperature until boiling or near boiling temperatures. The air velocity range is
very limited although the air velocity probably represents a much greater aerodynamic stress
on the surface than the nominal velocity indicates. Air velocity measurements are usually at
much greater distances from the surface than in the experimental apparatus, and, air being a
fluid, the velocity decreases with distance from the surface due to frictional forces. The
extremely small liquid sample sizes would also enhance effective stress as well. The
concentrated plutonium nitrate solution used represents a very important class of liquids found
in DOE facilities but its fluid characteristics (higher density, surface tension) may not make it
bounding for other aqueous solutions.
H eatin g of P ools
ARFs were also measured during the evaporation of 90% of the volume of aqueous solutions
at three surface disturbance levels: simmering, disturbed surface, and boiling (Mishima,
Schwendiman and Radasch, November 1968). The results from the source document are
reproduced in Table A.2, and the experimental apparatus is shown in Figure A.2, both in
Appendix A. In the experiments, 100 ml of a dilute Pu(NO3)4 solution (0.25 M HNO3)
containing 0.7 mg Pu was placed in a 180 ml borosilicate beaker. The surface area of the
liquid was 11.5 cm2. The beaker was held in the center of a transite support ring that
positioned the beaker in a aluminum plate set upon a hot plate. A screen supporting a glass
fiber filter filled the annular area between the support ring and beaker and allowed air to be
drawn through the 4-liter borosilicate glass bell jar to entrain particulate material escaping
from the beaker. The velocity through the annular filter was estimated to be 3 cm/s. The
air was drawn out of the top of the bell jar via a water-cooled condenser to remove moisture.
The condensate was collected. Airborne material was collected on an in-line glass fiber
The pertinent results are shown in Table 3-2. The ARFs for the four runs at boiling ranged
from 4.5E-7 to 1.8E-3. Three of the four values ranged from 3E-4 to 1.8E-3. The two
highest values (1.1E-3 and 1.8E-3) were estimated by the sum of the filter acid leach and
from acid washes of the equipment downstream of the filter position due to loss of the filter.
These values include solution splattered from the vessel onto the glassware. The values are
almost certainly high, but it is not known how high. Two of the runs (ARFs 4.5E-7 and
1.1E-3) used a 0.70 mg Pu source without an airflow. The two runs performed at
simmering (no surface breaking) resulted in ARFs of 1.3E-6 and 4.5E-6 that are bounded by
the evaporation value of 3E-5 quoted in subsection The four experiments with
heating rates resulting in disturbed surfaces generated ARFs ranging from 5.8E-5 to 8.4E-4:
an order of magnitude variation in estimates. A bounding value for boiling of aqueous
solutions of 2E-3 is selected, and, in the absence of a measured particle size distribution, a
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