| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
3.0 Liquids; Aqueous Solutions
higher boiling rates; the liquid is turbulently mixed and progressively disintegrates at the
surface forming drops from both mechanisms. A possible third regime occurs at very high
boiling rates when splashing and foaming dominate the surface (Borkowski, Bunz and
Schoeck, May 1986).
Gas flow conditions and material characteristics are important parameters in bubble-induced
droplet formation. Bubble size determines the number and size of the droplets formed.
Bubble size is determined by the volume of vapor, surface characteristics such as surface
tension, and bubble contact angle. Contact angle changes due to local turbulence during
bubble formation resulting in a distribution of bubble sizes. Many bubbles are unstable and
coalesce and break up during ascent. Steam bubbles are in the range of 0.5 to 5 cm diameter
at low pressure and nucleate boiling (presence of rough surface, suspended particles). The
formation and detachment of macro-bubbles is a function of contact angle of the liquid and
the degree of superheat.
Bubble shape at the surface may range from spherical to hemispherical depending on size.
The liquid in the dome of the bubble runs down the sides and thins the film. The bubble
bursts when the internal pressure exceeds the external pressure and surface tension of the
film. Droplets are formed by the film breakup. The crater remaining from the bubble
rupture itself collapses forming an ascending liquid jet that decays into droplets after some
critical length. Jets ascend up to 20 cm from the surface of the bulk liquid. Jet drops are
only formed from bubbles <5 to 6 mm in diameter. Droplets from film breakup are only
formed for bubbles >0.2 mm in diameter. Therefore, by inference, only jet drops are
formed from bubbles <0.2 mm in diameter and only film breakup droplets are formed from
bubbles >6 mm in diameter. The number and size distribution of droplets formed from film
breakup correlates with the size of the bubble and may number into the hundreds for the
upper limit of bubble diameter. Figure 3-1, reproduced from the reference document, shows
a number distribution from the burst of two bubbles of 0.1% NaCl in water. Only one jet
drop ejected from collapse of a bubble ~2-mm in diameter with up to 6 ejected from very
small diameter bubbles (high internal pressure). The diameter of the drop is ~20% of the
bubble diameter (100- to 1000-m for the conditions covered here) (Borkowski, Bunz and Schoeck,
May 1986).
H eatin g of S h allow P ools
The airborne release during heating of aqueous solution was measured and reported by
Mishima, Schwendiman and Radasch (November 1968). This study involved the collection
and measurement of airborne Pu during drying of shallow pools of concentrated acidic
plutonium nitrate solution at three air velocities and the evaporation of 90% of the volume of
a dilute acidic plutonium nitrate solution. Table 3-1 displays measurements extracted from
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