| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Liquid Storage and Ion Exchange Examples
previously recommended, or whether the relief valves would be expected to lift. If they did
lift, it is important to know that they would be able to control pressure buildup. Until the
answers to these questions are known, it is a meaningless activity to manipulate the source
A number of other implications arise from the source term estimate as well. If the only fires
that are postulated are large fires from undefined causes, the tank farm fire may bound all
other such fires. For the largest credible fire (i.e., based on actual or expected combustible
loading) in the tank farm area, it is important to know whether the ventilation filtration
system would still be expected to function. If it would not, the importance of combustible
loading control and fire suppression becomes even greater. Other issues can be imagined as
well. If the walls of the tank farm had been constructed out of Benelex, the importance of
controls to limit the flammability of that material and to make the fire suppression system
available would increase. If an unavoidably large accumulation of flammable material must
be present outside the tank farm enclosures, a legitimate consideration may be to install, for
new design, or backfit, for existing facilities, fire-rated walls instead of bare stainless steel
walls around the tanks. In any case, the importance of the source term and consequence
estimation process is not that it provides definitive results, but that it serves as an identifier
that triggers other actions having direct, tangible effects on facility safety.
7.3.6 Ion Exchange
Release topics explored in this example are listed in Table 7-9.
Table 7-9. Ion Exchange Example Topics
- Thermal stress
- N/A
- N/A
- Thermal stress of
- None
- Venting
superheated liquid
Hazard Summary
This activity involves liquid plutonium solutions and plutonium absorbed on solid resins.
Plutonium-bearing solutions from the dissolving lines are transferred by a small gear pump to
three ion exchange columns in series. Plutonium in the ~ 35% nitric acid feed is absorbed
onto the resin in the loading cycle, and eluted as a purified plutonium nitrate solution by a
4% nitric acid elution flow. Effluent solution from the resin loading cycle as well as resin
wash and reconditioning cycle effluent (also 35% nitric acid) are directed to annular waste
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