| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Liquid Storage and Ion Exchange Examples
require a TNT equivalent of 203 g, or almost 0.5 lb of TNT. In the more likely event of an
exotherm in only one column, the required TNT equivalent would be 406 g, or almost
1 lb of TNT. Experimental studies performed at Rocky Flats (Tuck, G., et al, 1975)
indicated a TNT charge of 227 g would destroy most internal equipment, blow out all
windows, and badly bow structural walls of a typical glovebox. Standard overpressure plots
indicate 227 g of TNT will produce at least partial demolition effects to a distance of
7 to 8 m. This level of damage is simply not observed in the historical record of nuclear
processing, which uses small ion exchange columns. That level of damage is rarely
approached even for very large industrial size ion exchange units.
The thermal explosion estimate, which has itself used very conservative assumptions, bounds
the phenomena more than adequately. A realistic estimate would, in all likelihood, be
significantly less than the 65-g bounding estimate. The thermal explosion model can be
accused of being nonphysical, but the same criticism would ultimately be true of any claim to
accurately specify TNT yield in a hypothetical detonation. The only physical basis for
judgement is the historical record of occurrences for which significant experimental work has
already been performed. At this point in the process, arguing over the appropriate
theoretical model to apply to an observed phenomena for the source term is an unproductive
activity. It inappropriately elevates the significance of source term at the expense of
objectively evaluating the process for compliance with known empirical rules for preventing
the phenomena. One does not need to know the exact source term to know that the ion
exchange column explosion discussed is a highly undesirable event that deserves special
attention. By the SAR preparation process outlined in DOE-STD-3009-94, the only question
the source term may specifically be answering is whether or not certain preventive and/or
mitigative controls will be labelled as safety-class structures, systems, and components by
comparison to dose criteria, or safety-significant structures, systems, and components for
defense in depth.
The danger of inappropriately focusing on source term arguments is real. At one extreme,
mathematical arguments could be used to reduce the source term below a given value
attributed special significance. If the non-definitive nature of almost any model is not
appreciated, that fact alone could be used to preclude further examination of the system. At
the other extreme, the source term could be just as inappropriately inflated. For example,
historical experience and the conservatism of the burning resin assumption could be ignored.
The heat of combustion of all the resin could be used in an adiabatic temperature calculation
turning the process room into a furnace with resulting severe estimates of facility damage and
releases from all processes. Such exaggerations can seriously distort evaluation by provoking
very time-consuming arguments as, again, the non-definitive nature of the source term is not
appreciated. How much actual safety information of real significance can be missed by
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