| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
To be conservative, however, it must be considered that the data may not be bounding. The
"median" values of ARF and RF for all experimental configurations tested were 4E-4 and
0.2 (ARF x RF = 8E-5) and the highest ARF x RF value was 4E-4. Due to the uncertainty
in the test conditions, a conservative bounding value for the ARF is assessed to be 1E-2 with
a RF of 0.2. This yields an ARF x RF value of 2E-3, which is a factor of 5 greater than the
largest measured value, a factor of 25 greater than the median, and of the same order as
values assessed for accelerated airflow parallel to powder surface and deflagration over
relatively unconfined powder.
The bound noted above applies to loose powders directly impacted by debris and associated
air currents. There are, however, other material configurations, with some degree of
material protection, of interest in nonreactor nuclear facilities. Powders may be contained in
cans, cans in gloveboxes, cans in cans, etc. Damage to cans from debris impact is
anticipated, ranging from cracks due to plastic deformation to displacing lids or jagged
shearing. As this level of damage requires impact force, it will occur when the can comes to
rest on some solid surface. In a total building collapse, this would typically be at the debris-
strewn ground/basement floor, where can remains would be buried under the falling debris.
The Langer data presented in Table 4-15 include two cases where the sand aggregate was
placed in a typical steel quart can without a lid. The rocks were dropped from the same
distance onto this can. Case #1 involved powder screened to be < 2 mm (2000 m) in
diameter, while case #2 involved powder screened to be < 0.5 mm (500 m) in diameter
with 1.8% < 0.025 mm (25 m). An experiment was also performed with the same powder
used in case #2 uncontained. The ARF x RF for the various experiments are:
< 2 mm sand in can
3E-4 0.01
< 0.5 mm sand in can
3E-4 0.07
< 0.5 mm sand uncontained
9E-4 0.4
There appears to be a significant decrease in the overall respirable release, due most likely to
some combination of shielding of the powder and interaction between the powder and
confining surfaces. As in the estimate for loose powder, there is considerable uncertainty
associated with this data. If the highest ARF from the data set (1E-3 for uncontained Al2O3
powder) is used in conjunction with the largest RF from the contained experiments (rounded
up to 0.1), the bounding values would be the same as that assessed for vibration shock of
loose, clump powders, and the overall ARF x RF would be a factor of 5 greater than that
measured in the experiment (1E-4 vice 2E-5). Accordingly, for powder held in cans failed
by debris, an ARF of 1E-3 with an RF of 0.1 is assessed to be bounding.
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