| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dissolving Operations Examples
and momentary reverse pressurization of the glovebox can occur. However, the
actual pressure generated in the dissolver is not large, and is certainly below the
0.345 MPag (50 psig) threshold this handbook defines for differentiating a high-
pressure release from a low-pressure release. The ARF and RF for depressurization
of liquid containment via a failure above the liquid level at less than 0.345 MPag are
5E-5 and 0.8 (subsection The initial respirable source term is:
1000 g * 1.0 * 5E-5 * 0.8 = 4E-2 g
This source term is generated within glovebox confinement.
Residue Dissolution Example Assessment
See oxide dissolution example assessment in subsection
7.3.4 Metal Dissolution
Release topics explored in this example are listed in Table 7-7.
Table 7-7. Metal Dissolution Example Topics
- Explosion shock
- Explosion shock
- Energetic
- None
- None
oxidation reaction
- Venting of
pressurized liquids
Hazard Summary
Recycle metal is brought into the recovery facility in a ready-to-dissolve form after receipt in
the adjoining Plutonium Vault Facility. The inner can containing the metal is brought into
the glovebox via an airlock. The metal is removed and placed in a small spray chamber sitting
on top of a slab vessel similar to the oxide and residue dissolvers. First, 14% by weight
sulfamic acid is added to the slab vessel from a dedicated feed tank. It is circulated through
the spray chamber via a small centrifugal pump to dissolve the metal and generate a plutonium
solution. Process and instrument air and nitrogen are fed into the glovebox by pressurized
sources ranging from 0.1 to 0.45 MPag (15 to 65 psig). A heat exchanger using 0.21 MPag
steam (35 psig) is used to heat the circulating acid. When the process is complete and the
circulating plutonium solution is diverted to the accountability slab tank, 4% nitric
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