| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dissolving Operations Examples
The dissolution vessel holds only 23 l of solution. In the larger glovebox
accountability slab tank, sufficient nitric acid has been added for cooling and dilution
that 125 l of solution are present. If the criticality is postulated to occur in the
dissolver, the 23 l versus 100 l discrepancy can be ignored for the sake of simplicity.
The DR assigned for the plutonium in solution is 1.0. If the criticality were assumed
to occur in the accountability tank, a DR of 0.8 (100/125) can be used due to the
100 l evaporation basis assumed. Keeping in mind that the purpose of the release
model is not to derive the "absolute" answer, it is fitting, at least initially, to use a DR
of 1.0 and accept the result as conservative. If a double batching of plutonium is
arbitrarily considered the source of the criticality, the respirable airborne release is:
(1322*2) g * 1.0 * 5E-4 * 1.0 = 1.3 g
As in the previous powder criticality example, the exact value obtained is of little
relevance to criticality safety management.
Oxide Dissolution Example Assessment
The release estimates associated with the oxide dissolution line are comparable to those
associated with the feed preparation line (subsection, with the maximum estimate of
2.6 g for boiling dissolver solution being twice the expected bound for feed preparation.
Using the most conservative meteorological assumptions, potential consequences at the site
boundary are below 5 rem, and below 1 rem if deposition is accounted for.
Actual operational insight generated by the numbers is again small compared to the total
operational considerations for the oxide dissolution line described. The vessels and piping
need to be capable of withstanding temperatures and acid concentrations associated with the
process, but no release estimate was needed to make that realization. Such a simple,
informal verification would be a matter of course in any hazard analysis. The main insight
potentially attainable is, again, a new insight only if thought was not previously focused on
types of stresses causing release. It is that the dissolver heating cycle can significantly
contaminate vessel vent piping and tanks due to a single failure (e.g, temperature indication
low, steam flow valve sticks). Even though this process upset condition is not expected to
directly produce an occupational exposure, it is worth preventing at some level of cost to
minimize future decontamination and decommissioning difficulties. Accordingly, while the
issue does not need high level attention, such as safety-class or safety-significant structure,
system, or component designation, it is a desirable goal for the design and operation of the
process to be aware of the issue and, to a reasonable degree, minimize the chance of the
event and of a failure to detect it.
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