| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Reduction Line Example
The ARF and RF values for venting of pressurized powders at confinement failure
pressures less than 0.17 MPag are 5E-3 and 0.4 (subsection It would be
equally appropriate to use the ARF and RF values of 5E-3 and 0.3 (subsection for powder shielded from a deflagration by a container. If the slightly
higher value is used, the initial respirable source term is:
(1000 to 2000 g) * 1.0 * 5E-3 * 0.4 = 2 to 4 g
The last issue to be examined is the potential for hydrogen accumulation in the
reduction furnace itself. This is closely related to the pressure seal failure case that
has already been examined because the only way for hydrogen to be present in the
furnace atmosphere is if the reduction can pressure seal has failed. In the example
process, an explosion would not be possible as the furnace is inerted with argon and
contained in a glovebox inerted with nitrogen. The use of air in the reduction furnace
atmosphere would never be appropriate due to product quality concerns alone. For
the sake of example, however, an air atmosphere is assumed present for some reason.
Maximum energy liberation occurs at stoichiometric mixing, which is a 33% by
of hydrogen would be available to react. The high temperature of the furnace volume
makes it conservative to assume that the given volume of hydrogen is ~ 1 mole,
which has an available energy in combustion of 68,000 cal. At a standard conversion
of 1100 cal/g of TNT, this corresponds to a TNT equivalent of 62 g if the reduction
furnace will contain the reaction to significant pressures. This would be expected to
blow out gloves in the vicinity and possibly fail windows in the immediate vicinity as
well. The source term will not exceed the maximum already estimated for the
pressure seal failure case (10 to 20 g) as it is the same phenomena. The molten
plutonium is not itself reacting explosively with anything. It is being acted upon by
an external force. In any case, a reasonable case can be made that this event is not
physically feasible for the system as it is operated (i.e., inerted).
Reduction Line Example Assessment
The 10 to 20 gram source term considered excessively conservative for this example could
exceed 25 rem at the site boundary for conservative meteorology and no deposition if the
release is completely unmitigated. With deposition alone accounted for, the unmitigated
release dose is less than 10 rem. The more reasonable spectrum of results examined might
exceed 5 rem unmitigated for the no deposition case. The significance of any one of these
numbers is limited. This operation does present more potential concerns than operations
such as dissolution, but worker safety is still the principle focus for this operation.
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