| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dry Processing Line Example
the calciner just fills the 10 storage positions, which are then emptied in a continuous
run of the calciner. Plutonium nitrate solution could be accumulated with plutonium
quantities up to ~ 1 kg by the end of a complete calciner operating cycle.
Approximately 2500 g of plutonium as plutonium oxide and fluoride can physically be
in the hydrofluorinator at any one time. No special storage rack is provided in the
hydrofluorination glovebox. By procedure, two containers holding ~ 2300 g of
plutonium fluoride product (i.e., ~ 1800 g as Pu) apiece are allowed in the glovebox.
There is no need to provide long-term storage because the button reduction furnaces
operate as batch units, unlike the calciner that is fed continuously from an
accumulated source of feed; and it is the hydrofluorinator, not the reduction
operation, that is the "chokepoint" in the process flow. Hydrogen fluoride MAR is
not specifically examined in this example, because it is a gas (ARF = 1), and the
fundamental focus of these examples is radionuclide releases.
A large room fire where the room contains a glovebox with plutonium powders has
already been examined for the feed preparation operation in section 7.3.1. In that
example, the predominant release effect was heating of plutonium powders, for which
the ARF and RF were 6E-3 and 0.01 (subsection The ARF and RF values
for heating of plutonium fluoride powders assessed to be bounding in subsection are 1E-3 and 0.001. If the plutonium feed storage for the calciner were
considered to experience this release mechanism, the total release would be:
(23,000 g * 1.0 * 6E-3 * 0.01) + (3600 g * 1.0 * 1E-3 * 1E-3) = 1.4 g
Unfortunately, this model may seriously underestimate potential airborne releases
because the powder is stored in light plastic jugs (i.e., non-hardened plastic). These
jugs will pyrolyze quickly and burn provided the fire is of a minimum duration and
heat generation rate. Intermingling of material with melting, bubbling, and burning
plastic introduces more release stresses and mechanisms than simple heating of
Polystyrene is reasonably representative of the type of plastics used in molded plastic
containers. Subsection assessed bounding ARF and RF values to be 1E-2 and
1.0 for powder contamination on burning polystyrene. The principal question is,
therefore, how much of the material in the plastic jugs might experience this release
mechanism? If sufficient powder is accumulated, it is conceivable that not all of the
material would experience the effects associated with burning plastic. A large amount
of powder may remain as a coherent mass as the plastic "disintegrates" around it.
Another factor to consider is the geometry of storage. If the plastic jugs are elevated
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