| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Metals
layer ... stage III is a similar linear process entered after a transition period, but origin of
this change is unknown.... observed increase in particle size with increasing reaction
temperature interpreted as combination of two factors ... metal hardness and malleability
with temperature ... hardness decreases with temperature ... increasing malleability reduces
stress generated at metal-oxide interface and promotes formation of thicker product layer
before spallation ... indicates formation of centimeter sized hydride particles if reaction
temperature equal or exceeds half the melting temperature of metal in degree centigrade ...
second factor that may alter particle size is kinetic in nature ... spallation involves nucleation
of crack at surface and propagation of those cracks through the stresses material with
ultimate coalescence and formation of free particles. Nucleation and propagation are both
time dependent ... growth rate of oxide layer is large compared to spallation rate at high
temperature and formation large particles are favored, at room temperature the oxide growth
rate is extremely slow and the longer time available for spallation favors extensive crack
formation and small particle size ... largest diameter observed for low-temperature oxide is
~ 5 m in geometric diameter ..."
Condit (October 1986) reviewed the airborne release of plutonium metal under fire and
explosion conditions. The effects of various factors on the airborne release of plutonium are
listed in Figure 4-1 from that document. Five configurations are covered below based upon
the temperature of oxidation and the airflow (i.e., turbulence) around the oxidizing material
or oxide. Other experimental data covering the airborne release of plutonium during highly
energetic accident situations involving assembled nuclear weapons (e.g., aircraft crashes and
rocket/jet fuel fires with potentially concurrent falling molten material) indicate larger release
fractions for the plutonium metal under these circumstances (ARF = 1E-2) and would
correspond to the configuration covered here of disturbed molten metal surface (e.g., flowing
molten metal where surface is renewed allowing greater surface turbulence), high surface
turbulence, and violent reactions. R oom T em p eratu re O xid ation /C orrosion . Stewart (1963) observed no
detectible change in appearance of a plutonium metal surface in 7 days at room temperature
and dry air. In moist air, a loose coating of powder was evident. Only 10% of the airborne
particles formed in 100% relative humidity air were in the respirable size range. The oxide
removal rate (Ci/cm2-hr) as a function of metal phase and humidity is shown in Figure 4-2
reproduced from the reference document. The ordinate is expressed in terms of Ci of
activity/cm2-s. Assuming the specific activity (7.4E-2 Ci/g) quoted for weapons grade
plutonium by Raabe (November 1978) and Eidson and Kanapilly (February 1983), the author
calculates the maximum rates for unalloyed and delta-stabilized metal in dry air and 100%
humidity to be:
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