| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Metals
S h ock E ffects
Steindler and Seefeldt (1980) provide an empirical correlation to experimental data on the
fragmentation of metals and aqueous solution by detonations [energy releases in
microseconds with brisance (shattering effect)] (Ayer, et al. May 1988). The experiments
covered the work performed for TNT related to the mass ratios (MRs, ratio of mass of inert
to TNT equivalent) of 1 to 10. The experiments were conducted with the condensed phase
explosive embedded or contiguous to the material affected. Estimates of the ARF and size
distribution for various mass ratios up to 1000 are provided in Appendix C of Ayer, et al.
(May 1988) for a GSD of 8. The GSD is much greater than normally assumed (GSD 2) and
provides greater fractions in the larger size ranges (a nonconservative assumption for the
assessment of radiological impacts). Due to the rapid change in size distribution, the
maximum mass of inert material airborne in the respirable fraction is for an MR of 1.
Therefore, a bounding ARF/RF of inert material equal in mass to the TNT Equivalent for the
detonation is assumed. [Note: The explosive dispersal of molten Pu and U was covered in
previous subsections.]
B last E ffects
No experimentally measured values for ARF and RF are available. No significant airborne
release is postulated. Potential releases for loose surface contamination on metal are covered
in Chapter 5.
V en tin g of P ressurized G ases O ver M etals
No experimentally measured values for ARF and RF are available. No significant airborne
release is postulated. Potential releases for loose surface contamination on metal are covered
in Chapter 5.
F ree-F all S p ill an d I mp action S tres s
No experimentally measured values for ARF and RF are available. No significant airborne
release is postulated. Potential releases for loose surface contamination on metal are covered
in Chapter 5.
Airborne release from free-fall of molten metal is covered under Thermal Stresses in
subsections and
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