| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Liquid Storage and Ion Exchange Examples
For the purposes of example, five separate source terms will be calculated. The first
will be a bounding initial source term for the example facility. The second
calculation will provide perspective on the potential conservatism of that answer. To
demonstrate use of all ARF x RF values and correlations for the flashing spray
release, the remaining calculations will assume that the ion exchange columns are
made of steel instead of Pyrex. The third and fourth calculations will be for normal
and abnormal operations using the largest bounding flashing spray value provided in
this handbook. The final calculation will use the flashing spray release empirical
correlation provided in subsection
The Pyrex ion exchange vessels in the example facility will fail at pressures below
0.69 MPa (100 psia). Therefore, the maximum flashing spray ARF x RF is 6E-3,
which is less than the burning resin value of 1E-2. Therefore, the largest source term
will occur if the exotherm happened with all plutonium absorbed on resin. The
bounding source term would occur if the loading cycle was complete and the
exotherm initiated during the resin wash cycle. The exotherm in one column leads to
a rupture and subsequent resin fire on the glovebox floor. If the fire is not
suppressed and the majority of the resin burns, the heat generated leads to subsequent
failure of the other resin columns. If the DR is assumed to be 1.0, a very
conservative assumption, the source term is:
6500 g * 1.0 * 1E-2 * 1.0 = 65 g.
The potential conservatism of the assumption that all resin burns is obvious, as the
source term would decrease in direct proportion to whatever amount of resin less than
100% is assumed to burn. A different configuration would also reduce the source
term. For example, assume the exotherm occurs during the loading cycle after
1000 g is loaded onto resin. It will be assumed that the columns are being operated
abnormally (i.e., no loading on column 1) so that a total of 266 g of plutonium is
available in solution. The exotherm occurs in column 1, leading to eventual
exotherms in the remaining two columns as before. However, to maximize release, it
could also be assumed that the glovebox pump remained on. If a new oxide
dissolution feed tank had just been lined up to the pump before the incident, another
1322 g of plutonium solution can be pumped into the glovebox before the tank runs
dry. This material will spill and boil from the heat of the fire, with a combined ARF
x RF of 2E-3 (subsection (Note: This assumption would require failure of
the sump level-pump interlock). The source term for this situation is:
(6500 g * 0.15 * 1E-2 * 1.0) + (6500 g * 0.04 * 1E-2 * 0.6)
+ (6500 g * 0.2 * 2E-3 * 1.0 ) = 13.9 g.
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