| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Liquid Storage and Ion Exchange Examples
Rearranging the equation to solve for pressure gives:
P = [2*(T-C)*SE]/[2*(C-T)*Y + D]
which, upon substitution of the above values, yields a design pressure of ~ 9 MPa
(1300 psi). Internal defects and flaws could cause the vessel to fail locally at
substantially smaller pressure, as was suspected in the Hanford incident, and flange or
gasket failure could occur at lower pressures as well. However, because no relief
valve or rupture disc is installed on the system, a failure pressure of 9 MPa will be
The correlation for airborne release fraction for superheats in excess of 100 oC
requires determining the fraction of liquid that flashes. Subsection provides
a basic thermodynamic relationship for making this determination for superheated
liquid at temperature T1 and pressure P1 being depressurized to temperature T2 and
pressure P2:
massv/masssh = (Hsh - Hl)/(Hv - Hl)
(7-9, 3-11)
= mass of saturated vapor generated by flashing during
depressurization (g),
= mass of superheated liquid present (g),
= enthalpy of superheated liquid at T1 and P1 (cal/g),
= enthalpy of saturated liquid (e.g., liquid at saturation
temperature T2 for pressure P2) (cal/g), and
= enthalpy of saturated vapor (e.g., vapor at saturation
temperature T2 for pressure P2) (cal/g).
The 4% nitric acid solution behaves substantially like water, so the steam tables are
used to estimate enthalpies. At 9 MPa and 303 oC (203 oC superheat), the enthalpy of
superheated liquid is 325 cal/g. Once depressurized (0.1 MPa and 100 oC), the
enthalpies for the flashed vapor and the remaining liquid are 639 cal/g and 100 cal/g,
respectively. Inserting these values into the thermodynamic relationship yields a mass
vapor to total original mass ratio, or MFg, of 0.4. The ARF can then be determined
from the equation
F = 0.33 (MFg)0.91 = 0.15.
(7-10, 3-7)
Page 7-44
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