| DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
exposure would be hours rather than seconds. Thus, a bounding ARR of 4E-5/hr with a RF
of 1.0 is recommended. However, as previously noted, the estimated respirable release
should not exceed the total respirable material in the source if known.
No experimental data on the effects of large debris over the deposited powder on
aerodynamic entrainment were found. Schmitt (May 1975) reported an approximate order of
magnitude reduction in particulate emissions from carbon microsphere used to extinguish a
fire. Due to the decrease in aerodynamic stress if the powder is shielded by remnants and
debris of the structure or exposed to static conditions within the structure, an ARR and RF
for powder under debris of 4E-6/hr and 1.0 are recommended.
Bounding ARR and RF, homogeneous bed of powder exposed to ambient
conditions (normal process facility ventilation flow or less, or nominal
atmospheric conditions <2 m/s with gusts up to 20 m/sec)
following an event:
4E-5/hr, 1.0
Bounding ARR and RF, homogenous bed of powder buried under structural
debris exposed to ambient conditions or under static conditions within the
structure following an event:
4E-6/hr, 1.0
It is noted that these values are for freshly deposited material in the immediate aftermath of
release. It would be inappropriate to use these values for cumulative summing of hourly
releases for long-term contamination (i.e., months to years).
Suspension of Material by Vehicular Traffic
In the event that radioactive materials in powder form are spilled onto a roadway during
transport or deposited by airborne transport during the accident, the deposited material may
be impacted by vehicular traffic unaware of the presence of the material or by evacuation of
personnel. Sehmel (1973) reported the results of experiments performed to measure the
suspension of material on an roadway from the passage of a vehicle (passenger car and
3/4-ton truck) through the deposited material and in an adjacent lane. Particles of ZnS
<25 m in diameter (MMD <5 m in diameter) were deposited on the asphalt surface of a
3-m by 30-m section of roadway (one lane of a two-lane road). The ZnS particle size
distribution during deposition is shown in Figure A.38a in Appendix A. Sampling towers
were located at three distances (3, 6, and 9 m) from the road with filter samplers at 0.3-m,
1-m, 2-m and 2.4-m heights. Realtime ZnS monitors were located at the 0.6-m level of each
tower. Deposition samplers were located between the towers on each row and at 1-m, 18-m
and 30-m. The arrangement is shown schematically in Figure A.38b in Appendix A.
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