| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
3.0 Liquids; Aqueous Solutions
above the liquid level, whether or not the liquid can release gases or vapors upon
depressurization influences the drop formation mechanism. If the liquid has come to
equilibrium with the free volume atmosphere, liquids under pressure will generate drops by
bubble breakup at the surface from release of trapped/dissolved gases. For heated liquids,
drops are generated by bubble breakup at the surface of the liquid from vapor generation.
For liquids that have not come to equilibrium with a pressurized free volume atmosphere, the
bubbling action from release of absorbed/trapped gases can be minimal. Drop formation is
more accurately described as a function of shear stress on the liquid surface and stratified
two-phase flow. If the vent is greater than the Critical Freeboard Height above the surface
of the liquid, the flow pattern tends to be vertical and does not exert significant shear stress
across the liquid surface to create drops, and the relatively great distance from the point of
origin of the drops to the vent does not create conditions favorable to release. For vents that
are less than the Critical Freeboard Height from the liquid surface, drop formation is by
shear stress exerted due to the induced, high velocity flow parallel to the liquid surface.
While this release mechanism can result in significantly smaller release fractions than the
three mechanisms cited in the preceding paragraph, it requires data that is not practically
attainable in most cases. As a result, this mechanism, while discussed, will be represented
by the more conservative case of release of absorbed/trapped gases. V en tin g B elow th e L iq u id L evel. If the container or pipe holding an
ambient-temperature liquid under pressure is breached, the liquid can escape in a variety of
ways. Breaches venting pressurized liquids can range from pinhole leaks in pipes (generating
a mist) to drips from very slow leaks to large jets of liquids that may gush from large holes.
The amount and aerodynamic size distribution of the spray generated are a function of the
size and characteristics of the breach, the upstream pressure, and the liquid characteristics
(e.g., viscosity, density, volatility).
For the purposes of airborne suspension, a conservative assumption would be the pressurized
release of the liquid via a very fine hole as occurs in a commercial spray nozzle. The size
distribution of some commercial spray nozzles as a function of orifice diameter and upstream
pressure were shown by Mishima, Schwendiman and Ayer (October 1978). The size
distribution of the liquid drops decreases with orifice diameter and increasing upstream
pressure. It is not anticipated that drops formed from breaches, cracks, leaks would generate
finer drop size distributions than equipment specifically designed for that purpose.
Therefore, the respirable fraction of the coarsest distribution generated by commercial spray
nozzles shown in Figure 3-4 is selected as the bounding ARF, 1E-4, with a RF of 1.0. For
other size fractions, the values can be inferred from the 0.128-inch (3.25-mm) diameter
spray nozzle values at 200 psig (1.38 MPag) upstream pressure.
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