| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
the deposited material, ARFs and RFs may exceed the entrainment from accelerated parallel
flow (i.e., shielded material) but be less than a value of 1E+0. If the expansion wave from
the deflagration incident on the surface is essentially planar, gases may be pushed through
the powder and be reflected from the surface resulting in suspension of the powder under
pressure. In order to generate a pressure wave that will have an essentially planar impact
upon the surface, it would be necessary to have an ignition source that is far from the
surface, distributed parallel to the surface, or that is confined in a direction perpendicular to
surface. The latter circumstance also requires that the radial distance to reach the radial
constraint is less than the distance to the surface. Even with these restrictive geometry
considerations, this may not be equivalent to the passage of a wave front since the wave can
travel in the absence of bulk flow. Timing of the wave reflection, and its speed through the
powder, are relevant to the extent the powder will pressurize. The maximum pressure in the
powder would be inside the expanding wave front at a distance from the ignition point equal
to that at the bottom of the powder bed (surface). The total volume of gas pushed into the
bed and then expelled is probably a relevant parameter. Use of experimental data from the
venting of pressurized gases through a powder bed is probably conservative since the
experiments released from 2.7 to 27.2 liter of air through 100 g and 300 g of powder.
Venting of Pressurized Powders or Pressurized Gases Through a
Powder, Pressure > 0.17 MPag. If the gases in and around a powder are compressed
during pressurization, the gases expand rapidly during venting and result in airborne
dispersal of the powder. Sutter (May 1982) reported ARF estimates for two reported
accidental overpressurizations in nuclear fuel cycle facilities. An external building release of
1 mCi of 604 Ci of activity occurred after catastrophic rupture of an ion exchange column at
0.69 MPa (estimated pressure of column failure), yielding an overall estimated ARF of 2E-6
(includes building leakpath factor). An estimated 1.2 to 1.3 mCi of Pu was reported released
during the depressurization at 60 psi of a slip-fit container (may also have been wrapped in
multiple layers of plastic) holding 12,168 Ci as PuO2 powder. The ARF estimated for this
incident is 1E-7.
Experimental data for the airborne release of 2 powders with varying densities (TiO2 with a
material density of 4.2 g/cm3 and UO2 with a material density of 10.96 g/cm 3) for two
masses-at-risk (100-g and 350-g) have been reported by Sutter (August 1983), and Ballinger,
Sutter, and Hodgson (May 1987). Both airborne releases from the venting of pressurized
powders and from venting pressurized gases through powder were measured. The apparatus
for venting pressurized powders is shown in Figures A.32, A.33a, and A.33b. The
arrangement to collect the airborne materials in the 10-ft diameter stainless steel tank used
for confinement is the same as used for liquid releases and is shown in Figure A.4 in
Appendix A.
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