| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Solids; Nonmetallic or Composite Solids
levels of thermal stress considered here are those commonly associated with industrial-type
fires. More rigorous conditions that may be generated in nuclear reactors or other more
severe events are not considered. Although some spent nuclear fuel within the DOE complex
are composed of other materials (metals and alloys), the overall material composite is
covered in this subsection because it deals with the airborne release of all radionuclides
rather than the base material.
V itrified W aste
Data from the experimentally measured airborne release from heating this form were not
uncovered. The stresses that are generated by subjecting the canister to the conditions
generated by an industrial-type fire do not appear to be adequate to breach the heavy-wall
stainless steel canister enclosing vitrified high level (HL) waste. The impact of fire-
generated conditions on the behavior of container holding other types of vitrified waste (e.g.
products of slagging pyrolysis) should be considered and the consequences of any breach
mechanism evaluated. If the vitrified HL waste canister is breached by large pressurization
from the heating of the gases in the free-volume, a fraction (ARF 1E-1, RF 0.7) of the fines
present in cooled, vitrified HL waste (estimates as high as 0.035%, WHC, 1993) on the
surface of the vitrified HLW waste held in the canister could be expelled.
Monolithic borosilicate glasses incorporating high-level waste do not appear to have the
potential to release any significant amount of non-volatile radionuclides. These materials
would have been heated to temperatures exceeding those anticipated for most fire situation
during formation and are not anticipated to undergo any chemical change under fire
conditions. Borosilicate glasses are more resistant to thermal shock when cool but could be
affected by very rapid cooling rates (molten glass poured into large bodies of cool water).
Molten glass does not appear to possess the characteristics to generate a physical (vapor)
explosion; it does not remain plastic over the required temperature range to generate fine
(100 m diameter) drops of molten glass adequate to result in the rapid heat transfer
necessary for vapor explosions. Molten glass poured in pools of water would lead to
vigorous boiling that could suspended solid particles carried in the liquid (see Borkowski,
Bunz and Schoeck, May 1986). A possible method to estimate the fragmentation of glass by
rapid cooling is to calculate the energy from cooling the glass and use that value in the crush-
impact correlation outlined in section 4.3.3. Notwithstanding, a bounding ARF and RF
cannot be assessed at this time due to the lack of applicable data. From the information
available, however, any release under industrial-type fire conditions appears to be negligible.
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