| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Plutonium Recovery Facility
initiation input to the sprinkler system, which is equipped with fusible links in the process
areas as a backup means of initiation. Nozzle arrangement in the system is in accordance
with NFPA standards and will blanket a room as well as direct spray to glovebox walls.
A thermal detector-activated deluge system is available for all HEPA plenums as well. This
system actuates when air temperature coming to the plenum is above 180 F, providing a
continual spray of firemain water upstream of the HEPA plenums. Series demisters are
available to protect the plenum from a large flow of water drops. This system and any of
the sprinkler systems can be activated manually as well. A ir S am p lin g S ystem s
There are two air sampling systems in the H Plant, a high- and a low-volume system. The
high-volume system has 26 units in the operation and maintenance rooms and the vessel vent
room (2 per room) and an additional 15 exhaust duct samplers. Each of these units draws
30 cfm.
There are an additional 50 low-volume air samplers designed to detect airborne
contamination in airlocks, regulated corridors, and non-glovebox handling operations such as
waste and button assay, drum packaging, etc. These units draw 5 cfm. Both systems use
impaction collection and photomultiplier tube detection and provide local audio and visual
alarms. However, only the high-volume system provides remote alarm capability in the
facility control room. The motive force for both the low- and high-volume air samplers is
one of two centrifugal exhausters located in the HEPA plenum room on the second floor.
These units discharge into the central facility exhaust duct downstream of the main exhaust
There are also two low-volume air samplers downstream of the HEPA filters for each
plenum. These units have remote alarm capability in the facility control room. Continuously
on-line filter media particulate samplers are provided for stack exhaust as well. These media
are manually collected and sampled at prescribed intervals. L iq u id S am p lin g S ystem s
Liquid samples are taken from interior glovebox vessels using an installed sampling system.
This system consists of a small centrifugal pump that draws liquid through a liquid-liquid
eductor and recirculates it back to the tank. The eductor draws liquid through a bypass line
around the pump as well. When the required recirculation time is complete, a small sample
vial with a diaphragm seal lid is inserted into a sample holder on the bypass line. Opening
of a single valve fills the vial, which can then be isolated and removed from the holder.
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