| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Production Support Lab
Discharge from these lines is drained to a raschig ring waste water tank in the ventilation fan
and plenum area, where it is ultimately disposed of to the H-8 liquid waste treatment facility. C h illed W ater S ystem s
There chilled water vendor package units are located in the facility utility room and serve as
the chilled water supply for general use. S an itary S ew er S ystem
The sanitary sewer system accepts effluent from washrooms, showers, clean utility system
drainage or blowdown, etc. It serves as a conduit to deliver waste water to the site sewage
plant. D iesel F u el O il S ystem
The fuel oil supply source for the backup power diesel generator is an 800 gallon
underground storage tank immediately outside the building. The currently installed tank does
not meet all regulatory requirements and is the subject of investigation for potential soil
contamination remediation. A project for a replacement tank is currently underway. The
tank is not equipped with automatic pumps, and the diesel fuel day tank is filled by a
manually operated pump.
3.2 P R O C E S S D E S C R I PT I ON
3.2.1 O verview
There is no systematic flow of material through the H-7 laboratory facility. Liquid and solid
samples are received in maximum transfer quantities of 30- and 5-sample vials, respectively.
Liquid samples are normally received in one of the two liquid sampling lines. Metal, oxide,
peroxide, or fluoride samples are delivered directly to the solid sampling line. These lines
then prepare smaller samples for other analytical gloveboxes.
In general, samples are introduced into lines via hood units located at either end of a line.
Samples are then prepared and analyzed in the gloveboxes or prepared and removed from the
gloveboxes for counting. The principle outputs of the gloveboxes are normal solid waste,
unused sample material for recycle to the process, and low level-liquid waste generated by
dilution of samples for counting.
Page B-92
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