| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; H-21 TRU Waste Facility F ire S u p p ression S ystem
The H-21 fire protection system is a wet-pipe sprinkler system employing automatic heat-
activated sprinklers in the overhead designed to actuate at 100 C. Activation of the
sprinkler sounds a building-wide audible alarm and also triggers an alarm at the local fire
station. The H-21 facility fire protection system is not seismically qualified. E lectrical P ow er D istrib u tion
The H-21 facility is provided with normal power received from a local utility. No backup or
redundant power is available. The building grounding system serves two functions. As the
building electrical ground, it provides a path to ground for electrical faults, affording
additional protection along with breakers and fuse blocks and allowing "bleedoff" of static
electrical charges. Its second function is to provide a conducting path to ground in the event
of lightning strike. D om estic W ater
Domestic, industrial, and fire-fighting water is drawn from a 30.5 cm cast iron water main
extending from the south. Effluent from this system is disposed of through the sewage
4.1.4 R eal-T im e R ad iograp h y U n it
The RTR unit is a filmless radiography machine operating at approximately 420 kV and
10 mA. Trained RTR personnel view the real-time X-rays which are displayed on a
television monitor. RTR personnel look for wave motion on the X-ray display which is the
indicator of free liquids within the waste drums. The X-ray images are videotaped to create
a permanent record as drums are scanned.
Drums undergoing RTR examination are placed on a cart and positioned inside a shielded
room. The X-ray tube and imaging system are located on opposite sides of the shielded
room and are positioned to scan the drum. The tube and imaging system remain fixed in
position while the cart is mechanically jostled. Safety interlocks prevent the X-ray tube from
operating if a shielded door is open. The unit is operated remotely from the RTR control
panel located in the facility office area.
Page B-105
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