| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B
4 .0 H -2 1 T R U -W A S T E F A C IL IT Y
4.1.1 O verview
The H-21 TRU-Waste Facility is used to store and ship transuranic waste generated as a
result of operations in the H-Plant Area. The building consists of four areas; the storage
bay, the loading dock, the real-time radiography (RTR) room and employee office space.
The storage bay provides short-term storage of 55-gallon transuranic waste drums. It has a
capacity of 320 waste drums, with an additional capacity for up to 12 rejected drums
awaiting return. Limited space away from drum storage is also provided for short-term
storage of several large waste crates. The maximum inventory of radioactivity allowed in the
H-21 facility is 10,000 grams of weapons-grade plutonium. A single drum of TRU waste
may contain up to 200 grams of weapons-grade plutonium. Material handling equipment
used in this facility consists of common industrial stock items, such as electrical forklifts,
barrel huggers, and slings. The layout of the H-21 facility is presented in Figure B.21.
4.1.2 F acility S tru ctu re
The H-21 facility is a 4,000 ft2 Butler style building. It is a single story, metal frame, metal
panel building with reinforced concrete footings, foundation an floors. The building frame is
constructed of welded plate and wide flange columns and beams. The roof and walls consist
of ribbed interlocking steel panels that provide shelter from normal atmospheric phenomena.
4.1.3 F acility S u p p ort S ystem s H V A C S ystem
Heating and ventilation is provided by a ceiling mounted heater and blower system supplied
by a single intake duct on the roof. Air is introduced into the office area, from which it
flows through the storage bay to the loading bay. Exhaust is through one-way outlets in both
the storage bay and the loading bay, as well as through gaps in the loading bay door
openings. A single air conditioning unit is located outside and adjacent to the facility,
providing cool air to the building.
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