| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B
2 .0 P L U T O N IU M R E C O V E R Y F A C IL IT Y (H P L A N T )
O verview
The H Plant Plutonium Recovery Facility (PRF) became operational in early 1970. It was
originally planned to recover plutonium from oxide residues generated elsewhere and from
certain residues generated within the building. A second mission that was added to the
facility during construction was to purify plutonium metal received from offsite via
dissolution and reformation. The product of the plant is plutonium metal buttons. The major
waste streams are acidic and caustic low level liquid waste and solid TRU and low level
waste. For the foreseeable future, the H-Plant will only be required to operate at about 25%
of its historic capacity.
A schematic of the H Plant Area is provided as Figure B.1 on the following page. The H
Plant building (H-1) is a two story structure approximately 300 feet long and 160 feet wide
on the west structural wall and 130 feet wide on the east exterior wall. It is immediately
adjoined by three other structures associated with its operation. On the west side, the H-17
building Plutonium Vault Facility annex serves as an intermediate storage point for H Plant
feedstock as well as product buttons awaiting shipment. On the southeast corner, the H-7
Lab annex provides analytical support to the H Plant processes. Lastly, on the north face of
the building, the H-21 TRU Waste Drum Holding Facility has been constructed to hold
sealed waste drums awaiting shipment to site storage.
Other significant installations in the vicinity of the plant include the external Chemical Feed
area (H-3) consisting of chemical storage tanks and delivery systems, the small H-5 structure
stack 230 feet southwest of H Plant, and the H-8 Liquid Waste Treatment Facility located
approximately 300 feet south of H Plant.
F acility S tru ctu re
The H-1 structure is a two-story reinforced-concrete structure. The exterior walls are
supported on continuous wall footings ranging from 4 to 8 feet square and 15 to 20 inches
thick. The ground floor is an 8-inch-thick reinforced concrete slab. The main support
columns on the first floor are 22-inch diameter reinforced concrete cylinders which support
the second floor slab. Reinforced concrete beams anchored to the columns provide the
remainder of the support for the second floor slab.
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