| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Plutonium Recovery Facility S an itary S ew er S ystem
The sanitary sewer system accepts effluent from washrooms, showers, clean utility system
drainage or blowdown, etc. It serves as a conduit to deliver waste water to the site sewage
plant. C h em ical F arm
The chemical farm is a collection of storage tanks and support systems located approximately
60 feet to the south of H Plant. Storage tanks are provided for nitric acid, potassium
hydroxide, and hydrogen fluoride, with the areas around both tanks diked to hold the
majority of the fluid in the vessels. Two major gas systems are associated with the chemical
farm as well. One consists of two nitrogen supply vendor package nitrogen systems. Each
system is composed of a large vertical, double-insulated annular vessel for liquid nitrogen
with a net supply capacity of 350,000 scf of nitrogen. The vendor supplied system vaporizes
the nitrogen and supplies it initially at 90 psig. Tapoffs at this point are used to pressurize
the chemical storage tanks as the driving force for transfer into the H-Plant building.
Nitrogen pressure is reduced to 15 psig before transfer into the building, where it is used for
inerting the metal reduction line and the feed preparation line as necessary.
The second gas system supplies argon from a bank of compressed gas cylinders located along
the south wall of the H-1 building. The argon flow in the building passes through gas
purifiers to remove trace oxygen and moisture before reaching the metal reduction furnaces
where argon is used to establish an inert atmosphere. D iesel F u el O il S ystem
The fuel oil supply source for the standby diesel generator is a 5000 gallon underground
storage tank on the west side of building H-3 B. This tank is a new installation and currently
meets all regulatory requirements. The old tank was removed in compliance with RCRA
regulations after it began to leak. The new tank is equipped with automatic pumps that are
actuated by a level switch in the diesel fuel day tank. This system ensures there is always a
minimum of 100 gallons of fuel in the day tank.
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