| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Plutonium Recovery Facility
The racks are four positions high and provide a total of 114 storage positions. The vault is
reserved for storing buttons (nominally 78 positions) or selected high assay wastes that are to
be processed for recovery (nominally 36 positions). The buttons are double canned, while
the residues will be double wrapped in plastic and contained in sealed, hard plastic pails.
The shelving design maintains a safe separation between the stored units for criticality limits
larger than the administrative/design flowsheet limits for buttons or high assay residues. S olid W aste/R esid u e H an d lin g
Glovebox waste is removed through airlocks or bagports in a 12-mil PVC bag sealed with
plastic tape. The waste is placed inside another plastic bag that is sealed with tape, and the
entire package is placed in a 5-gallon pail that is sealed with tape. Readings are taken with a
portable monitor at the generation point to verify limits have not been exceeded in the
package, in which case it would have to be reintroduced into the glovebox and broken down
into several waste packages.
Lag storage for waste pails that have not been assayed is available in the drumming area. A
small room is equipped with two high storage racks along the wall with a maximum storage
capacity of 25 pails. An adjacent room has two 3 high racks with 40 spaces for lag storage
of assayed pails. Up to 20 additional pails can be stored if necessary in marked positions
along unused walls in corridors within the regulated area.
The waste drumming room contains a pulsed high analyzer (PHA) that is used for assay
measurement of waste pails. This room also contains a ventilated waste hut where workers
in protective suits remove assayed waste bags from the plastic pails and place them in DOT-
approved 55-gallon drums. These drums are then sealed and subsequently smeared to verify
no surface contamination is present on the drum. They are then moved to the drum counting
station for confirmatory measurement of plutonium content.
The drum counting room makes use of two separate NDA instruments. A control computer
for the two devices combines the results via an operator-selected algorithm based on type of
waste assayed to produce a single value estimate. About 20 drums can be temporarily stored
in the floorspace of the drum assay room, but normal practice is to move the drums to the
TRU waste storage building soon after completion of assay.
Low-level solid waste that is generated largely outside the gloveboxes or in maintenance
activities is either placed in drums or in fire retardant treated wooden boxes. The boxes are
generally reserved for waste activities that can be expected to fill a complete box. These
materials are temporarily stored in the hallways of the TRU waste storage building until they
are removed for disposal.
Page B-54
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