| DOE-HDBK-3012-96
If special training or fittings are required, such as respirator fitting, for access to
certain facilities, arrange to have any pre-conditions completed before arrival for the
previsit. For example, respirator fitting requires a medical exam before the fit
test can be administered1. Other special training could include Radworker II and
Hazardous Waste Operations Training. The TL will inform all team members of any
special requirements.
Team members are to contact their counterpart during the preparation phase to
obtain information they feel is necessary or to arrange for additional
documentation to be readily available onsite. However, keep these requests to a
The site appointed counterpart is a crucial element to the ORR inspection. They
should be in constant communication with the team member during the review and
will provide the best source of site specific information and access available to the
PREVISIT: The previsit is a fact finding and familiarization visit conducted by as many team
members as possible. A comprehensive previsit lays the foundation for a thorough and efficient
ORR and normally satisfies the requirement for team members to be familiar with the
facility/process. The following are items to consider for completion during the previsit.
Brief site management on the mission, the methodology, and the scope of the ORR,
as well as the logistical support required from the site.
Arrange for the Operations Office/Area Office and/or contractor management to
brief the team on safety, security, the organization, processes and operations of the
facility. Specifics of the startup (e.g., initial shut-down, restart following upgrade,
restart following a safety shut-down) should be included in the briefing.
Complete final review and editing of the CRADs. Have TMs provide their proposed
CRAD changes prior to the end of the previsit.
Attend a walkthrough at the facility/process and observe any current operations to
acquaint team members with the facility and processes in question.
Attend any special training or fitting, such as respirator training and fitting, which
might be necessary to allow for access to the facility during the ORR. Verify that all
The Health unit in the A-wing basement in GTN can provide medical exams for fitting respirators to
federal employees only. Contractors will need to arrange for this on their own.
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