| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 10.1: Sample Job Scenario
Attachment 3
ATTACHMENT 3 - Sample Job Scenario
Each facility should develop a job scenario and record it on a facility-specific RWP. (Refer to
DOE Radiological Control Technical Standard for guidance on the development of RWPs.) The
following is an example of a job scenario and radiological information.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Enter mock-up area and move the box that is located on
the floor in a lower dose rate area to the storage cabinet located in the
area. (A contamination area is located near the Job Site.)
LOCATION: Mock-up area, Building 2.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: RWP not valid for Contamination Area.
Avoid drum in Radiation Area.
RADIATION LEVELS: 80 mR/hr near drum on left side of work area.
25 mR/hr near cabinet and panel on north wall.
5 mR/hr near step-off pad area.
DOSIMETER(S): TLD and pocket dosimeter (self-reader).
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