| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Radiological Worker Training
Instructor's Guide
Figure 1
Three Levels of Radiological Worker Training with Associated Training Requirements
Training Modules 1-8
Training Modules 1-7
Training Modules 1-9
Practical Factors 10.1
Practical Factors 10.1
Practical Factors 10.3
and 10.2
Radiological Worker I
Radiological Worker I with HRA/VHRA
Radiological Worker II
Radiological Worker II (RW II) Training
This course consists of the core academics, the High/Very High Radiation Area
module, the Contamination Control module, and the appropriate practical factors.
This training is recommended for the radiological worker whose job assignments
involve unescorted entry into High Radiation Areas, Contamination Areas, High
Contamination Areas, and Airborne Radioactivity Areas. Further, workers who
have potential contact with hot particles or use gloveboxes with high
contamination levels should complete RW II training.
RW II training prepares the worker to work around higher radiation levels and
with contaminated materials normally associated with radiological
Evaluation Criteria
At the completion of the applicable course, the participant must successfully complete a
written exam and a practical evaluation to be considered to have successfully
completed the training. Successful completion of the written exam should be a
prerequisite for the practical factors evaluation.
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